
Create a bot

// Require the Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create the bot object
$bot = new PhpBotFramework\Bot("token");

Answer messages

$bot->answerUpdate["message"] = function ($bot, $message) {

    // Reply as an echo bot


Answer updates

As for messages, answering other updates requires the assignment of a function to Bot::answerUpdate["entity"].

The function assigned must take 2 arguments:

the bot object
the entity attached to the update

Example: answer all CallbackQuery removing the loading circle.

$bot->answerUpdate["callback_query"] = function ($bot, $callback_query) {

You can find all possible updates here.

Answer the /start command

// What the bot will answer?
$start_closure = function ($bot, $message) {
    $bot->sendMessage("Hello stranger. This is my start message");

// Register the command
$bot->addCommand(new Commands\MessageCommand("start", $start_closure));

For a complete list of Commands, checkout the Command List.

Getting updates

There are two mutually exclusive ways of receiving updates for your bot: - getUpdates - Webhooks


At the end of your bot script add:


Your bot will start asking updates to Telegram and will process them using Bot::answerUpdate and Commands.


Warning: This method requires both a webserver and a SSL certificate.

Add this line at the end of your bot script:
