Inline Queries

Inline queries have been added in January 2016.

The user can call your bot by simply writing its username in the chat and a query.

After having enabled the inline mode enabled (by sending /setinline to @BotFather) the bot will start receiving inline_query updates.

Use the method answerInlineQuery to asnwer these updates. It requires an array of results to show to the user.


Let’s create the results:

$bot->answerUpdate["inline_query"] = function ($bot, $message) {

    $bot->results->newArticle("Result1", "This is the first result.");

    $bot->results->newArticle("Result2", "This is the second result.");



Remember that the parameter $reply_markup must not be encoded in JSON.

If you cannot see the answer of the bots but you don’t get any error message neither, check the $reply_markup parameter.

Sending the results

When we have added all the results, we are ready to send them:

$bot->answerUpdate["inline_query"] = function ($bot, $message) {

    // Creation of the results




The type used in the example is article, have a look here for all types.

To create a result of a different type you can use addResult:

$bot->answerUpdate["inline_query"] = function ($bot, $message) {

            'type' => 'photo',
            'photo_url' => '',
            'thumb_url' => ''



To add multiple results simultaneously:

$bot->answerUpdate["inline_query"] = function ($bot, $message) {

                'type' => 'photo',
                'photo_url' => '',
                'thumb_url' => ''
                'type' => 'photo',
                'photo_url' => '',
                'thumb_url' => ''

